At New Take Films, we throw ourselves into the heart of the action, telling the untold stories of incredible people from across the world.


Production Company TO WATCH 2024

Prolific North

We love the adventure, excitement and pride that comes with telling the stories of remarkable people across the world.

The joy and excitement of our work comes from being on location and being part of the action. Our love for the job comes from building a rapport with the people we meet and learning about their stories, history and future. 

We work in hostile environments, unstable political situations and remote areas of the world that are often dangerous, challenging and difficult to navigate. If a story needs to be told, we’re the ones to tell it.

Launched by James Dann, New Take Films operates across the UK and globally, making docs for indie productions and broadcast commissions.

We’re based in the UK and have an office in Los Angeles for US productions.

Fancy working together?