Senegal Stories

A documentary series exploring unemployment and education in Senegal.


African Technical Leaders

This is the first documentary in the series.

This film focuses on the importance of smart skill development in order to gain employment and overcome hurdles in the workplace.

Filmed on location in Dakar, Senegal.

Cultural Barriers

This documentary focuses on the obstacles that exist within society, and what young people must learn in order to overcome them. With interviews from students, teachers and industry professionals.

This documentary shows the ways in which the Senegal school system is failing the youth, and what must be done to ensure they get the education and opportunities they deserve.


Youth Employment.

This documentary is a short overview to show the work that EDACY does in Senegal. It’s an insight into how the company works and why it continues to strive for better employment rates within the country.

As with the other documentaries, this was shot on location in Dakar, Senegal.


The Life of Alf Morris